Seniors encouraged to explore service options
A fair show casing d ifferen t v o lu n te e r p ro g ra m s w ill be held at the LaFortune Ballroom on T h u rsd ay b eg in n in g a t 7 p.m. All students are encouraged to attend and explore different possib ilities of p o st-g rad u a te service, according to Mary Ann Roemer, coordinator of senior v o lu n te e r p ro g ra m s fo r th e C e n te r fo r S ocia l C o n ce rn s (C.S.C.). More than 60 different pro gram s will be represented, in cluding the Holy Cross Associ a te s , Je su it V o lu n teers , U.S. Peace C orps, and In n e r City Teaching Corps. “It’s a g reat opportunity for sen io rs ,” Roem er said. “They should at least stop by and pick up some information. They can alw ays say no if they land a sp o t v o lu n te e r in g , b u t th ey can’t say yes if they don’t turn in an application.” In past years, as many as 400 s tu d e n ts h av e a t te n d e d the fair, Roemer said. An average of 150 studen ts actually land spots doing some type of volun teer work. The Holy Cross Associates, a program run by the Brothers of the Holy Cross, have six do mestic volunteer program s plus an in te rn a tio n a l p ro g ra m in Chile. Roemer said p rio r volunteer experience is not necessary to land a post-graduate volunteer job. She said the m ain qualifi cation is a student’s willingness to volunteer now. “A lo t of s tu d e n ts co u ld n ’t find the opportunity to volun teer in the past,” she said. “The fact that they w ant to do it now is w hat’s im portant.” The volunteer fair coincides with a National Service w ork shop being held a t the C.S.C. T h u rsd a y a f te rn o o n . M arty R o g ers , a m e m b e r of N o tre Dame’s Board of Trustees, and Maggie Folgerty, a government liaison for the Catholic Network
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